The Middle School (Years 6-8) provides a vigorous and engaging academic and co-curricular program which interests, challenges and extends boys who are ready to look beyond the secure and familiar boundaries of the Junior School. It is specifically designed for boys who are growing quickly, who need lots of hands-on physical activity, who can use more freedom and who respond warmly to understandable rules.
Middle Schooling is an integral part of a boy’s education. The Middle School program differs from the structures and curriculum of senior and junior schooling whilst providing the crucial link between them. The Middle School provides a positive, encouraging, safe and stimulating environment for students as they transition from primary education into secondary schooling. The Middle School provides a comprehensive and challenging curriculum designed for boys at their particular age and stage of development; a curriculum designed to encourage students to reach their potential academically, socially, physically, spiritually and creatively.
The move from primary into secondary education is an important stage of life for all students. It is at this time that they move from very familiar environments to a new beginning where much more is expected of them; independence and associated responsibilities are actively promoted. Students will arrive in the Middle School feeling a combination of excitement and apprehension. We work closely with all our students, encouraging independence and the development of organisational skills and building in them a concern for others. We ask our students to be risk-takers with their learning, work to their ability and take responsibility for their learning.
Helping students develop a ‘connectedness’ with their school enables them to develop resilience. Our boys build this connection through their extended involvement with the School program. We want our students to experience art, drama, languages, sport, outdoor education and to find interests and develop passions that will stay with them for life. We appreciate that all students have different skills and abilities that need to be catered for. The curriculum we offer is what binds our school together. A curriculum needs to be challenging and relevant with engaging and informative assessments. But is also a pastoral program that is of prime importance, as only when a boy feels happy, safe and connected can they fully engage with a curriculum. We have a multi-layered pastoral care program that is led by a Mentor and the Heads of Year Levels. Pastoral care is part of every interaction a boy has with every teacher, every day.
Stephens Library
Named for an earlier Headmaster, the Stephens Library in the Junior School and Middle School caters for students in Years 6-8. All students have at least one lesson each week in the library. There is an extensive range of fiction and non-fiction available and computers for internet and personal computer account access.
The Chapel of St Thomas, dedicated and opened in 1971 by Bishop Robert Davies, has a prominent position on the campus and in the life of 69ÂÜÀòapp. The chapel is open for private prayer and quiet reflection each day during school time. Each year the Chaplain offers preparation courses to help students decide whether or not they wish to be Baptised and/or Confirmed. All students and families are welcome to attend any service advertised in the School Calendar. All students from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12 attend regular services in the chapel as part of their school life and an emphasis is placed on students playing a significant part in these services.
Daily routine
The Middle School is open from 8.15am. Parents/carers are asked to only use the methods outlined in the Communique newsletter to submit absentee information. The daily program of the Middle School is:
Bell Time
8.30am – 8.40am
8.45am – 9.35am
Period 1
9.35am – 10.25am
Period 2
10.25am – 10.50am
10.55am – 11.40am
Period 3
11.40am – 12.30pm
Period 4
12.30pm – 1.20pm
1.20pm – 1.50pm
Activities, Chapel or Assembly
1.50pm – 2.40pm
Period 5
2.40pm – 3.30pm
Period 6
In the Middle School, assessment in all subjects is carried out on a continuous basis as part of the normal teaching program. Several types of assessment are used. These recognise that boys can have very different skills or ‘intelligences’ and that they should have the opportunity to learn and to demonstrate that learning, in ways which use their individual strengths. Students can expect to encounter a range of types of assessment from conventional written tests to projects or assignments, verbal presentations, computer presentations and video recordings. There is an appropriate degree of emphasis placed on individual work and collaborative work requiring team skills.
Outlines issued at the start of each unit will set out how that unit will be assessed. It is important to replace the notion of pass or fail with the more useful goal of mastery of learning, encouraging all students to strive for their best.
Reporting progress is carried out at frequent intervals and is always directed to the student. All reports are diagnostic and prescriptive, indicating strengths and weaknesses and suggesting action which should be taken.
Teachers report on progress through face-to-face Family-Teacher Conferences with students and parents present and through written reports sent home with the boys. Family-Teacher Conferences are scheduled three times per year but parents are warmly invited to come in for discussion at any time.
Homework is part of the teaching-learning process and its value is continually reinforced with the students.
Homework significantly extends the time spent on individual subjects, involves and informs parents, makes subsequent lessons more meaningful and useful, allows time to reflect on the work, develops the habit of working without teacher supervision and allows research which cannot easily be done in class.
Middle School students are required to complete 60 to 90 minutes of homework from Monday to Friday. If your son is regularly spending significantly less or more time than this, please speak with his mentor as it may indicate a need to gear the set work more closely to his needs.
The Hutchins Middle School participates in a number of inter-House sport carnivals throughout the year. Students enjoy a day of fun, House spirit and competition as part of the Inter House Cup. For summer sports and winter sports days there are a wide range of sports on offer at various locations around Hobart. At Hutchins, intra and extra-curricular sport participation is compulsory. The Hutchins Sport program provides a great variety for students with over 30 sports to choose from. There are also a number of opportunities to participate in inter-school and inter-state competitions. Students are encouraged to participate at a level that they are comfortable with, whilst challenging their fitness and building their skills. Sportsmanship and fair play are paramount. Hutchins is regularly represented and recognised at state, national and international level across various sports.
Co-curricular activities
Middle School boys are given the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of co-curricular activities. Such activities are significantly linked to aspects of our Guiding Statements such as helping boys achieve their personal best by providing them with a "world of opportunities", because they allow the boys to pursue their collaborative skills, to widen their friendship circle and to simply experience a further source of enjoyment associated with their school experience. As a result, Middle School boys are encouraged to participate in such areas as drama, music, choir, dance, chess, play-on-tour, leadership development and various service activities.
Special features of the Middle School
Theatre Sports events
Play on Tour
Middle School musicals
The Errols related-arts evening
Summer Challenge Morning
Year 6 Outdoor Leadership experience
Year 7 Camps at Southport
Year 8 Camps at Freycinet
Year 7 school based project on a designated theme
Year 8 home based project on a student-selected theme
To learn more about the opportunities we provide for boys to become their best, contact our Enrolments Assistant, submit an online Enquiry form or phone 03 6221 4236. We encourage you to book a tour with our Registrar as this is the best way to see our School in action. Read more…